The Eviction of The Muscle Temple

Mähren AG/Wohninvest Zeta/Coros

Eviction notice:


Extra material:


“Real talk with Jakob Mähren, owner of superyacht Forever,” (link)
Super Yacht Times, 13 April 2020

“Bunte Blocks, graue Aussichten,” (PDF)
Der Tagesspiegel, 29 Mai 2021


Note: “The Eviction of the Muscle Temple – Financialization and Feudalism” review is produced for and included in the exhibition Speculative Properties in Berlin, 16-18 June 2023. Speculative Properties is organized by the studio collective Muscle Temple, showing work by current and former members, as their last event at Adalbertstrasse 9 before being evicted.

Financialization and Feudalism

The Berlin variant of financialized rental housing derives from a broader political crisis in capitalist society. The pulverization of the owner into a multiplicity of entities governed by myriad contractual relationships radically disconnects the residents of urban housing from atomized shareholders mediated via the globally distributed net-works of corporations. Surely it cannot be in the public interest that the profits derived from ever-higher rental payments benefit the shareholders of financialized housing companies.”


(Anne Kockelkorn, 2022)


“As long as land and buildings are bought and sold in a private market, there can be no truly democratic control over the city. Capitalist cities are so structured around land and homeownership that it has come to seem entirely natural for property owners to hold enormous economic, legal, spatial, social and cultural advantages over all others, and for most of that privilege to be passed down as a form of inheritance. This logic runs deep through our cultures and societies. As the veteran New York housing organizer Wasim Lone once pointed out to me, even the language we use to describe this relationship is older than capitalism—landlord! A socialist city has no room for such feudal relations.”


(Samuel Stein, 2019)


Anne Kockelkorn
“Financialized Berlin: The Monetary Transformation
of Housing, Architecture and Polity”
Architectural Theory Review, 26:1, 2022, 76-104, DOI:

Link to this article:


Samuel Stein
Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State
Verso Books, London 2019